Sharp universities sharp your way!
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1.Please ensure that the information provided is true, accurate and complete.
2.All information in this form is for project application and examination only. Any person or organization shall not disclose the information in this form to any third party without the permission of the person who filled in this form.
3.Admission principles for the first registration, first interview, first admission, until the full amount。
4.If the information cannot be provided, write "none".
5.After the registration information is submitted, the staff will contact you within 1-3 working days, please keep the phone open.


* 姓名:
* 性别:
* 姓名拼音:
* 身份证号:
* 手机:
* 护照信息(或港澳通行证):
* 电子邮箱:
* 微信号:
* 选择项目:
* 在读大学:
* 学号:
* 所在学院:
* 学历:
* 所在年级(如:2023级)
* 专业:( eg:英语)
* 语言成绩:(eg:英语四级450)
* GPA: (eg:3.8)
* 是否中共党员:
* 家长联系方式:
* 意向留学国家:
* 拒签史:

Sharp universities
sharp your way!

Contact Us

  • Phone:
  • Work:Monday through Friday / 9:00~18:00
  • Room3509,East Tower,Fortune Plaza,TiYu East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou P.R. China

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